Smoke Alarm Compliance Brisbane
In Queensland, there is a house fire every 4.7 hours on average!
New smoke alarm legislation will make Queensland households the safest in Australia in relation to fire safety.
The new smoke alarm regulations specify that all Queensland dwellings will be required to have interconnected photoelectric smoke alarms in all bedrooms, in hallways that connect bedrooms with the rest of the dwelling and on every level.

Ensuring Smoke Alarm Compliance QLD
Are you up to date with the recent changes in the QLD smoke alarm legislation?
A 10-year phased rollout of interconnected photoelectric smoke alarms in QLD will happen over three specific periods starting from 1 January 2017 through to 1 January 2027.
To comply with QLD smoke alarm legislation, interconnected photoelectric smoke alarms are required:

What Smoke Alarms Are Compliant?
An approved smoke alarm for these purposes means a photoelectric type smoke alarm that complies with Australian Standard AS 3786(Smoke Alarms) and:
a) If installed in a newly constructed domestic dwelling, is a 240 volt hard wired smoke alarm, or;
b) If installed in an existing domestic dwelling in addition to, or replacing existing smoke alarms, a 240 volt hard wired smoke alarm where access is available to the ceiling space or otherwise a 10 year lithium battery smoke alarm which is interconnected wirelessly to all other required smoke alarms in the dwelling.
What Else Do I Need To Comply?
It is important that all smoke alarms are interconnected so that if one alarm is triggered all the remaining alarms also operate. This will only be possible if all alarms are the same type and are compatible with each other.
It is also important to say that smoke alarms are only part of the process to ensure people escape to a point of safety from their burning home. A practiced Escape Plan is the other critical component of safe evacuation.
Helpful Quick Links
We are one of the few smoke alarm companies who offer a full 10 years parts and labour warranty!
Need Your Smoke Alarms Updated To Comply With QLD Smoke Alarm Legislation?
We are one of the only companies offering a full 10 year parts and labour warranty!

Smoke Alarm Installation
Installation of interconnected Smoke Alarms for residential homes and dwellings.

Class 1A Buildings

Class 1B Buildings

Smoke Alarm Maintenance
We provide once-off and scheduled maintenance solutions with reports

Annual Reports

End Of Lease Reports

Data Recording
In depth data recording for landlords/owners & property managers

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